Cointelegraph: Kairon Labs Sheds Light on What Real Market Makers Do

Cointelegraph: Kairon Labs Sheds Light on What Real Market Makers Do
Calendar IconMay 2024Clock Icon1 min
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“A lot of [token] projects are fooling their own trader community or investors by faking these wash trades or these volumes. They give legitimate market makers a bad name. Still, global regulatory developments are progressively making it more difficult for such businesses to thrive." says Mathias Beke, Kairon Labs Co-Founder and CTO.

Mathias Beke Co-Founder of Kairon Labs

Mathias Beke, Co-Founder of Kairon Labs

Crypto market-making involves several ethical considerations that uphold market integrity. With recent crackdowns on dodgy firms, it’s essential for projects to determine what separates legitimate crypto market makers from unethical ones.

We are grateful that Cointelegraph finally sheds light on the reality of market making and all its nuances.

Read the full article here:

Coin Telegraph What do crypto market makers actually do? Liquidity, or manipulation

What do crypto market makers actually do? Liquidity or manipulation | Coin Telegraph

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