Kairon Labs featured among the top market makers in the 2020 CV VC Global Report

Calendar IconNov 2020Clock Icon0 min
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At Kairon Labs we are honoured to see ourselves being mentioned alongside some of the largest and most professional firms the crypto market making space has to offer. Of course there are different categories in the market making field, we are very happy to be mentioned as one of the only firms on the list that focuses heavily on crypto market making services for altcoins.

 Kairon Labs featured among the top market makers in the 2020 CV VC Global Report
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Kairon Labs provides upscale market-making services for digital asset issuers and token projects, leveraging cutting-edge algorithmic trading software that is integrated into over 100+ exchanges with 24/7 global market coverage. Get a free first consult with us now at kaironlabs.com/contact